Monday, September 21, 2009

I have never heard of the Frederick Coffee Company

I had never heard of the Frederick Coffee Company my whole life and I had lived here for the majority of my life. The first time I had ever been there was on an observation assignment from my English 101 professor and one of my classmates had introduced me to it. The structure of the building is beautiful and very unique, the people and atmosphere make you never want to leave, and the smell and taste of the coffee house remind you of Columbia.
As I walk up to the building I notice the Spanish style brick with many color flowers all around on the patio. A young man on his way to work holds the door open for me and I am greeted with the scent of freshly homemade brewed coffee when I walk him. I sit down at a small square table in the back of the room and notice the morning sun rise colors painted on the wall. There are many people waiting in line for there morning caffeine and a few people sitting down at the tables enjoying friends or work associates company.
As I turn around to notice all the nic- nacs around the store a young couple seems deeply engaged in conversation sitting at the back window and a group of elderly men who seem to meet there often enjoying morning laughter with their coffee. I walk up to the counter and an older man in a camouflage suit walks in with a long spiraled walking stick making me think he looks serious and ready to take on the day. He orders a chocolate carmel double shot cappacino, sounding so delicious I order the same.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Making Yourself Happy

The day my little my little sister, Ashley, move out of my dads will be a memory that I will never forget. The courage she had to stand up to my dad and step mom made me look up to her for the first time. It was this summer, she had just gotten back from being at the beach with my aunt and I for about a month. Ashley is usually very conservative about her feelings and is always worried about hurting others.
This summer I think she learned that it was time to make herself happy and to stop worrying about what my parents would think. My aunt had never really knew how we felt about our step mom and when she found out the truth it broke her heart to see how much pain we had been through. My parents divorce had always been a touchy subject for Ashley and I to talk about to our family. Once we found out my aunt had open ears to us, our feelings just seemed to pour out. We had a lot of tears shed this summer at our beach house but we learned so much about ourselves.
Ashley and I love our dad dearly and would do anything for him but for the past couple years it didn't seem like he would do the same for us if our step mom was involved. A week before we went to the beach Ashley had asked my dad to sign these certain papers for college; Ashley's dream for school was to graduate a year early and to go to Johnson and Whales but my step mom was not in favor so she told my dad to not sign to early release papers for Ashley.
Ashley was devastated by this and when she told my aunt she felt the same. My aunt always has uplifting thoughts and words to say on just about any subject. So when Ashley and I brought up the idea of moving out to her, she couldn't of been more supportive. She told us how to break the news to my dad and how she thought he would handle the news because she knew he would be a wreck after. Throughout our time at the beach my aunt, sister, and I had talked about pretty much everything. It was so refreshing to know that Ashley and I always had someone to talk to about my parents and any growing pains.
Two days before Ashley went back home I went up to my old hometown in Massachusetts to visit family and friends. It was then that I decided that I wanted to move up there. Without discussing with me, Ashley assumed that Dad would be able to handle me moving out and on my own but not me moving out of my dads into my moms and then moving to Massachusetts. So Ashley decided that she would be the one to take the leap and move out of my dads. She told my dad and step mom as soon as she got back from the beach. She said that they were so mad that they told her she could never move back.
The pain and rejection that she will have to deal with for many years from dad and my step mom says it will be worth it. She is going to be able to live her dreams without and hesitation or judgement. She is waiting to see if she has gotten accepted to Johnson and Whales but there's no doubt in my mind that she won't. Ashley is growing into such a great person and I couldn't be more proud to be her sister. If there's one thing Ashley and I have learned this summer it's that we have to make ourselves happy because it's our life and our dreams.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Craziness is Heaven

Everyday as we drive down the stret, walk down the road, or commute from one place to another, we see statements of philosophy, in the form of bumper stickers. Bumper stickers are short,but powerful statements of belief and support. A statemnt that I think encapsulates my life and my aspirations is one that I saw one day in downtown Baltmore painted on the side of a buldng, " craziness is heaven."
I come froma typical family; catholic, divorced parents, may brothers and sisters. For some reason I feel like i'm a little different from them. All of my siblings always do what theyre told. My mom knew I was going to be differnt the day I was born. She has always given me different advice than my other siblings. Sometimes the things she says are very odd and don't make sense to me. One of the things she has said to me that I will alays remember is madness is sanity and to always live life to the fullest. I feel like I alwasy try to live by what my mom told me.
"Crazines is Heacen" really stuck with me when I met my best friend Chelsea. She and I live life on the edge and are always trying new and wild things. My mom refers to chelsea and I as 'free birds,' when we go out we go all out. This means that when we say wre going t do something we try to top what we did the last time.
I always try to do different things or take crazy risks becasue I like to remind myself of aspects in life that don't need to be taken seriously. It keeps me sane; it keeps me in check. Without doing things differently or things approved by society I'm just as insane as everyone else. Craziness is heaven but craziness keeps me sane.