Friday, September 11, 2009

Craziness is Heaven

Everyday as we drive down the stret, walk down the road, or commute from one place to another, we see statements of philosophy, in the form of bumper stickers. Bumper stickers are short,but powerful statements of belief and support. A statemnt that I think encapsulates my life and my aspirations is one that I saw one day in downtown Baltmore painted on the side of a buldng, " craziness is heaven."
I come froma typical family; catholic, divorced parents, may brothers and sisters. For some reason I feel like i'm a little different from them. All of my siblings always do what theyre told. My mom knew I was going to be differnt the day I was born. She has always given me different advice than my other siblings. Sometimes the things she says are very odd and don't make sense to me. One of the things she has said to me that I will alays remember is madness is sanity and to always live life to the fullest. I feel like I alwasy try to live by what my mom told me.
"Crazines is Heacen" really stuck with me when I met my best friend Chelsea. She and I live life on the edge and are always trying new and wild things. My mom refers to chelsea and I as 'free birds,' when we go out we go all out. This means that when we say wre going t do something we try to top what we did the last time.
I always try to do different things or take crazy risks becasue I like to remind myself of aspects in life that don't need to be taken seriously. It keeps me sane; it keeps me in check. Without doing things differently or things approved by society I'm just as insane as everyone else. Craziness is heaven but craziness keeps me sane.

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